Our vision
Swedwatch’s vision is a world in which global economic systems are just, transparent and sustainable.
Human rights and the environment are protected and respected and businesses contribute to sustainable
development and inclusive growth within the means of the planet.
Our mission
Swedwatch’s mission is to empower rights holders and to promote responsible business practices
and inclusive growth. We do this by highlighting how people and the planet are impacted by company activities
and by building bridges for change across stakeholder groups.
Responsible use of natural resources
A growing number of companies aim to adopt environmentally sustainable business models. But change is too slow to respond to the climate crisis and the rapid depletion of natural resources.
Sustainable and fair supply chains
Global supply chains can boost development and create jobs. But often, they lack transparency and effective processes to address adverse human rights and environmental impacts.
Empowered rights holders and defenders
A crackdown aimed at silencing civil society voices is taking place in many countries around the globe and shrinking civic space poses a growing threat to livelihoods, liberty and peace.